25. Intervening after trauma: Child–Parent Psychotherapy treat is associated with lower pediatric epigenetic age acceleration - 2024
Sullivan, A. D. W., Merrill, S. M., Konwar, C., Coccia, M., Rivera, L., MacIsaac, J. L., Lieberman, A., Kobor, M. S., Bush, N. R. (2024). Intervening after trauma: Child–Parent Psychotherapy treat is associated with lower pediatric epigenetic age acceleration. Psychological Science,
24. Do dyadic interventions impact biomarkers of child health?: A state-of-the-science literature review - 2024
Sullivan, A. D. W. , Roubinov, D., Noroña-Zhou, A., Bush, N. R. (2024) Do dyadic interventions impact biomarkers of child health?: A state-of-the-science literature review. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 162,
23. Experiences of childhood adversity link with early childhood educator psychological and economic wellbeing - 2024
Sullivan, A. D. W., Rancher, C., Moreland, A. Experiences of childhood adversity link with early childhood educator psychological and economic wellbeing (2024). Early Childhood Education Journal.
22. Sex-specific associations between placental corticotropin releasing hormone and problem behaviors in childhood - 2024
Barrett, E., Sullivan, A. D. W., Workman, T., Zhang, Y., Loftus, C. T., Szpiro, A., Paquette, A., MacDonald, J. W., Coccia, M., Smith, R., Bowman, M., Smith, A., Derefinko, K., Nguyen, R., Zhao, Q., Sathyanarayana, S., Karr, C., LeWinn, K. Z., Bush, N. R. (2024) Sex-specific associations between placental corticotropin releasing hormone and problem behaviors in childhood. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 163.
21. Parenting practices may buffer the impact of adversity on epigenetic age acceleration among young children with Developmental Delays - 2023
Sullivan, A. D. W., Bozack, A., Cardenas, A., Comer, J., Bagner, D., Forehand, R., & Parent, J. (2023). Parenting practices may buffer the impact of adversity on epigenetic age acceleration among young children with Developmental Delays. Psychological Science, 34 (10), 1173-1185.
This paper was highlighted as an NIH Stress Network Notable Stress Science Paper.
20. The enduring importance of parenting: Caregiving quality and fear-potentiated startle in emerging adults with a child maltreatment history - 2023
Sullivan, A. D. W., Brier, Z., Legrand, A., van Stolk-Cooke, K., Jovanovic, T., Norrholm, S. Garavan, H., Forehand, R., & Price, M. (2023). The enduring importance of parenting: Caregiving quality and fear-potentiated startle in emerging adults with a child maltreatment history. Child Maltreatment, 28, 97-106.
19. The effects of young children’s callous-unemotional traits on behaviorally observed outcomes in standardized and technology-enhanced Behavioral Parent Training - 2023
Parent, J., Jones, D. J., DiMarzio, K., Yang, Y., Wright, K. L., Sullivan, A. D. W, & Forehand, R. (2023). The effects of young children’s callous-unemotional traits on behaviorally observed outcomes in standardized and technology-enhanced Behavioral Parent Training. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 51, 165-175.
18. Does parenting explain the link between cumulative SES risk and child problems in the context of parental depression? - 2022
Sullivan, A. D. W., Vreeland, A., Compas, B. & Forehand. R. (2022). Does parenting explain the link between cumulative SES risk and child problems in the context of parental depression? Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 53, 330-341.
17. COVID-19 and the acceleration of remote BPT delivery now and in the future - 2021
Sullivan, A. D. W., Forehand, R., Acosta, J., Parent, J, Comer, J., Loiselle, R., & Jones, D (2021). COVID-19 and the acceleration of remote BPT delivery now and in the future. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 28(4), 618-629.
16. Erasing distance: Interstate graduate-student-led undergraduate mentorship during COVID-19 - 2021
Sullivan, A. D. W., Wright, K., & Forehand, R (2021). Erasing distance: Interstate graduate-student-led undergraduate mentorship during COVID-19. The Behavior Therapist, 44(6), 302-303
15. Who looks on the bright side?: Correlates of hopelessness in parents with clinic-referred young children - 2021
Sullivan, A. D. W., Wright, K., Jones, D., Breslend, N., Highlander, A. & Forehand, R. (2021). Who looks on the bright side?: Correlates of hopelessness in parents with clinic-referred young children, Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, 43, 766-777.
14. The longitudinal influence of caregiver dispositional mindful attention on mindful parenting, parenting practices, and youth psychopathology - 2021
Parent, J., Dale, C., McKee, L. G., & Sullivan, A. D. W. (2021). The longitudinal influence of caregiver dispositional mindful attention on mindful parenting, parenting practices, and youth psychopathology. Mindfulness, 12, 357-369.
13. Clinical features of scrupulosity: Associated symptoms and comorbidity - 2021
Siev, J., Rasmussen, J., Sullivan, A. D. W., & Wilhelm, S. (2021). Clinical features of scrupulosity: Associated symptoms and comorbidity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77, 173-188.
12. Child hostility and family functioning when a parent has a history of depression - 2020
Rice, D., Sullivan, A. D., Forehand, R., Watson, K. H., Bettis, A., Gruhn, M., & Compas, B. (2020). Child hostility and family functioning when a parent has a history of depression. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(10), 2786-2795.
11. Cumulative risk of socioeconomic status factors in the context of a history of parent depression: Are there associations with child outcomes?- 2019
Sullivan, A. D. W., Benoit, R., Breslend, N., Compas, B., Vreeland, A. & Forehand, R. (2019). Cumulative risk of socioeconomic status factors in the context of a history of parent depression: Are there associations with child outcomes? Journal of Family Psychology, 33, 883-393.
10. Feasibility investigation: Leveraging smartphone technology in a trauma-informed behavioral parent training for foster caregivers - 2019
Sullivan, A. D. W., Breslend, N. L., Strolin-Goltzman, J., Bielawski-Branch, A., Jorgenson, J., Hemenway, A., Forehand, G., & Forehand, R. (2019). Feasibility investigation: Leveraging smartphone technology in a trauma-informed behavioral parent training for foster caregivers. Children and Youth Services Review, 101, 363-371.
9. Parenting in context: Associations of parental depression, socioeconomic, and demographic factors with parenting behaviors - 2019
Vreeland, A., Gruhn, M., Watson, K., Bettis, A., Forehand, R., Compas, B., & Sullivan, A. D. W. (2019). Parenting in context: Associations of parental depression, socioeconomic, and demographic factors with parenting behaviors. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(4), 1124-1133.
8. Triangulating perspectives to inform the development of a smartphone application for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents: Findings from consumer focus groups and key informant interviews - 2019
Forehand, G., Schisler, A., Strolin, J., Hemenway, A., Breslend, N. L., Sullivan, A. D. W., Forehand, R. (2019). Triangulating perspectives to inform the development of a smartphone application for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents: Findings from consumer focus groups and key informant interviews. Journal of Technology and Human Services, 37(4), 362-394.
7. Does interparental conflict decrease following changes in observed parenting from a preventive intervention program? - 2018
Sullivan, A. D. W., Parent, J., Forehand, R., & Compas, B. (2018). Does interparental conflict decrease following changes in observed parenting from a preventive intervention program? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 106, 64-70.
6. Parental opioid abuse: A review of child outcomes, parenting, and parenting interventions - 2018
Peisch, V., Sullivan, A. D. W., Breslend, N., Benoit, R., Sigmon, S., Forehand, G., Strolin, J., & Forehand, R. (2018). Parental opioid abuse: A review of child outcomes, parenting, and parenting interventions. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(7), 2082-2099.
5. Parent-level risk factors for children’s obsessive beliefs, interpretation biases, and OC symptoms: A cross-sectional examination - 2018
Berman, N. C., Jacoby, R. J., Sullivan, A. D. W., Hoeppner, S., Micco, J., & Wilhelm, S. (2018). Parent-level risk factors for children’s obsessive beliefs, interpretation biases, and OC symptoms: A cross-sectional examination. Journal of Obsessive and Compulsive Related Disorders, 18, 8-17.
4. Adult psychopathology, children, and parenting: Are there simple answers? - 2017
Forehand, R. & Sullivan, A. D. W. (2017). Adult psychopathology, children, and parenting: Are there simple answers? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 24(4), 389-391.
3. Psychophysiology of proactive and reactive relational aggression - 2017
Murray-Close, D., Holterman, L. A., Breslend, Nicole L., & Sullivan, A. D. W. (2017). Psychophysiology of proactive and reactive relational aggression. Biological Psychology, 130, 77-85.
2. Parental perceptions of technology and technology-focused parenting: Associations with youth screen time - 2016
Sanders, W., Parent, J., Forehand, R., Sullivan, A. D. W., & Jones, D. J. (2016). Parental perceptions of technology and technology-focused parenting: Associations with youth screen time. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 44, 28-38.
1. Effect of a legal prime on clinician’s assessment of suicide risk - 2015
Berman, N. C., Sullivan, A. D. W., Wilhelm, S., & Cohen, I. G. (2015). Effect of a legal prime on clinician’s assessment of suicide risk. Death Studies, 40(1), 61-67.